четверг, 28 января 2016 г.

April PAD Challenge 2015 Day 30

Day 30
Prompt: “Bury the (blank),”

Lullaby to Hatred

Bury the words of the foolish youth
bury them deep under trash trucks
what would you choose over the truth?
peace of the mind or brass knucks?

Bury the heartache that you have caused
anger and broken rainbows
is it enough to be king of Oz
or do you need a backbone?

Bury the proud contemptuous look
stop writing scarlet letters
bury the meanings you found in a book
whoever told you you're better?

Bury the pictures of useless scorn,
weaponry of the network
bury yourself and then be reborn
shining new light through old murk

четверг, 21 января 2016 г.

April PAD Challenge 2015 Day 29

Day 29
Prompt: what nobody knows poem


whenever it rains at night
I rush to the street, wrapped in sheets
on instinct, hoping you might be there
my sad prince in a wet tuxido

without watching your eyes
turn a little green as you wake up
I can’t enjoy this eternal game
of dark and light on emerging skies

my morning yogurt is tasteless
and there is no one to tell that a kangaroo
can’t walk backwards, or that Ron Barceló
is made very far from Barcelona

the clock is especially loud
when no one’s around but my sorrow
and I’m sorry for hating the coffee
a beige ghost of our orange past

I still prefer books in paper
the crunch of fresh lives between my fingers
I feel void when I have to listen
to the silence of computer screens

my own life is neatly stapled
to the memo board, no time to breathe
and no time to miss your steady heartbeat
against my ear at the break of dawn

April PAD Challenge 2015 Day 28

Day 28
Prompt: a matter/anti-matter poem

Whole World

you could be made of anything
eyes of curious children
taps of an early rain on the door

letters chiseled on palaces
dyed in withering golden
lies on a summer portuguese shore

whispers talking of promises
names unspoken and olden
heat coming up from volcanic core

dreams in the hearts of Alices
holes and mirrors unfolding
rustles of future in tales of lore

you could be made of anything
matter does hardly matter
if I can live in the world of you

вторник, 12 января 2016 г.

April PAD Challenge 2015 Day 27

Day 27
a looking back poem.

before leaving the museum of our lives
I look back at the shabby tapestry
where you smile breaks into pieces
like a withered dandelion in the fall
and a famished love sits on the bank
of a shallow river in salty loneliness
and chiseled over its weary face
is this poem of mine in purple

April PAD Challenge 2015 Day 26

Day 26
Prompt: take a word of two invented by William Shakespeare, make it the title of your poem and write your poem.

My take on the prompt is a little liberal. I took the final scene from King Lear and made and erasure poem out of it. I think this should count ;-) All credit goes to the beautiful, lovely William.

Howl, men of tongues, forever!
Dead one lives! Dead as a stone lives!
Now, little thing, a hanging cross
is good, and good I see.
Follow no man, and let them think
we know what life shall taste.
Fools never pray, but you...
You see! This time we ought to live.

April PAD Challenge 2015 Day 25

Day 25
an across the sea poem. This could be a love letter, an electronic submission through cyber space and time, or a travel poem (by air or sea, though probably not car).

Broken Record

The voice of earth is quiet
agonizing, dreadful
each time I put my ear to its cheek
I feel the chills run up my spine
with every word it speaks

The voice is of an ancient
siren: slow, enthralling
there's nothing I can fear more than that
untamely cry, unending call
a steady tat-tat-tat

A sacred earthly mantra
never changing music
each time I listen in to understand
I hear no words, but my heart bleeds
the chords unto the land

понедельник, 11 января 2016 г.

April PAD Challenge 2015 Day 24

Day 24
Prompt: moment poem

When I stopped on my way home to watch a sunset

(poetic form: minute)

imagine that: a crimson sky
the nature's dye
and I, in awe
unkempt and raw

a moment's worth a life of dawns
when sunset yawns
in hues and lights
it paints and writes

a minute after all goes dark
the night is stark
and I go on
the moment's gone

April PAD Challenge 2015 Day 23

Day 23
Prompt: a historic poem.

By way of comment, I'd say there's a feel of history to the poem, rather than direct historic connotation or any connection to a historic event. The atmosphere around two people in the poem is created in a way of a 'stage' on which you can put any two people, whether lovers or otherwise, in your imagination.


and if you never see the light of day
when lips are tight, and hope is safely locked
behind them, wincing like a cornered prey
my arms are open, I’m your toughest rock

where night meets death, and you stand inbetween
your lips go white, your hands ball into fists
the future in your eyes, a mere sheen
my open arms are bleeding at the wrists

when you can see in every aging man
yourself and stop to check if you still breathe
that day the war is lost forever and
my arms will close around you in a wreath

April PAD Challenge 2015 Day 22

Day 22
Prompt: nature poem

World’s Song

the world is beautiful. again
and it sings as I wake
the music welcomes new day when
it’s about to break

the sea could sweep away the town
yet it rolls with a yawn
the clouds, cute as they’re now
are indelibly strong

the wind could tear me apart
but it lulls through my hair
the sun… where do I even start?
dances out of its lair

I walk the ground like all men
feel it moan and ache
and I’m reminded again
all it takes is a shake

April PAD Challenge 2015 Day 21

Day 21
Prompt: Write a “what you are” poem, or…    
Write a “what you are not” poem.

Waxing and Waning

two candles I saw once in church

one melted around its black wick

the other untouched, a proud stick

and people always chose the scorched

I took the orphan, kindled it

I don’t even know why I did

the two were alike, both without flame

yet candle put out isn’t the same

as candle forever unlit

April PAD Challenge 2015 Day 20

Day 20
My (blank), the (blank),.. .


my God, the world has grown old!
mountains fall, the strongest fall apart
rivers go dry, all memories dry out
new saplings come, young offsprings come about
where years end, a time lapse gives a start
so few grew wise, the rest grew fast and bold
the story goes on untold

April PAD Challenge 2015 Day 19

Day 19
Prompt: an authority poem.


(poetic form:Interlocking Rubaiyat)

the perfect buzzing of a hive
where labor and submission thrive,
and procreation is the aim;
a perfect allegory of life.

there's no love, there's no shame;
the endless circle of a game;
no winners, prizes or applause:
some lose it all, no one to blame.

each fighting for a common cause,
each needing purpose, seeking laws.
along the blade of someone's knife
each walking straight without pause.

why acting up? why start a strife?
when instinct is the only drive,
a beehive never comes to war;
a measly allegory of life.